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Pate Cemetery (Spring 2013) |
Welcome to the Shook Family.
My name is Jan Joseph Shook, Jr. I am a seventh generation Texan, so much of my interest in genealogy started with Shook families in Texas. I hope you benefit from my research, and I look forward to collaborating with you.
My ggg-grandmother, Amanda Elizabeth (Morris) Shook, was born in Spanish-Texas June of 1821. Her future husband, Josiah Webster Shook, immigrated to the Republic of Texas ca. 1837 - 1839, and they married in 1844. While my research began in Texas with Josiah and Amanda, my research is now focused on Johannes Georg Schuck, der Elder the American patriarch of my Shook family line. As discussed in the Shook page, about 60% of this research belongs to my Shook family line, and 40% to other Shook families.
Believe it or not, most (90%) of the traffic on this web site barely relates to the "Shook" family. Most of the traffic relates to the Pate Cemetery, which is where my g-grandmother Tassie (Pate) Shook (first wife of my g-grandfather Joseph "Joe" Webster Shook, Sr.) is buried. I spent a lot of time researching this cemetery for two reasons. First, this is where my research began with "Who was Tassie Pate" and "Who was Joe Shook." Second, my family owns the property surrounding the cemetery. So I've been interested in Tassie and the cemetery since I was a child. If you are interested in this cemetery and the Pate and Sanders families, I hope you find this research valuable.
Please visit the About section, if you wish to contact me.
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- Shook
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- Yargo
- Zlomke
What's New
July 2016 -- This release is comprehensive on the Shook side. I have been confused about Abraham Shook and whether his father was Johanne Jacob Shook or Johannes Shook. Michael Eugene Reynolds (husband of my fourth cousin, Frances Ann (Stewart) Reynolds) has been digging and helping with that problem with some outstanding results. As a result, I have re-worked a lot of the Shook's in this release. Note that this release is a work-in-progress. A lot of the links are broken. I wanted to get completed portions out to the web for review.
January 2016 -- First, I'd like to thank everyone for your input -- especially pictures. It has taken me a long time to update this web site, so this it's quite large. For all the contributors, thank for waiting so long to see your content hit the web. In addition to individual and family profiles, one key update is in the Cemeteries section. findagrave.com may be a bit quirky, but it is free and often very helpful. Hence, I have documented all the Shook individuals in findagrave.com for Louisiana, Texas, and working on Oklahoma. Check out the photographs of Josiah, Amanda, and William Riley Shook (courtesy of the Huntsinger family).
April 2015 -- I have indexed the major Shook family lines (Johannes, Hermanus, Abraham (ii), John Oliver, Sr., and Saul Francis) into their own indexes.
January 2015 -- Still working on reseaching death certificates backwards. This really helps with females changing their names. In this process, I figured out Artie Belle Shook. This was one of Theodrick Shook's daughters, and I don't think anyone has really put all the pieces of this puzzle together quite like this. This is probably my best research to date. Other changes are primarily a continued fleshing out of my family tree and other Shook family trees.
November 2014 -- On the Shook side of research, I have been recording all the Shook deaths in Texas (based on the Texas Death Certificates database in Ancestry.com). So far I have recorded the first 25 pages of death records into an Excel spreadsheet - about 500 deaths. Then I have been using that information to update my research.
August 2014 -- I made a considerable amount of updates. However, nothing specific to mention.
June 2014 -- Based on a query from an Etie family member, I updated the Etie family research (substantially).
May 2014 -- I updated the Goodson and Neidigk families, based on queries and input from these families (which I really appreciate). I also updated the Parker family, as they are related to the Neidigk family. I have made some more progress on the history of the Shook family in Texas during the 1800s. Basically, I have been trying to document each Shook family found in the census records. I parallel, I have been updating Ancestry.com with the entries on this website as mentioned in the March 2014 update below.
March 2014 -- I have been building the Shook Family Tree on Ancestry.com and have found this process, especially with hints, helps correct errors (city and county names mainly) and tends to round out my research. It also exposes my research to other Ancestry.com subscribers, and, with links to this website, may drive some traffic to ShookFamily.org. One of the advantages of this web site over Ancestry.com is the ability to focus on loosely related or unrelated Shook families. If you are a subscriber to Ancestry.com, the anchor starts with me at the Ancestry Shook Family Tree. In addition to create the Ancestry.com tree, I have been working on Texas history between 1820 and 1850, the Joseph Emerson Shook family line, and the John Oliver Shook, Sr. family line (as well as lots and lots of miscellaneous stuff).